Family friendly events and activities in and around the Trumbull County area. Niles, Warren, Girard, Liberty, Newton Falls, Cortland, Howland, Champion areas as well as Mahoning County (Austintown), NE Ohio and Western PA (Hermitage, Sharon & New Castle)
When your little one is turning one...
submit a photo to WFMJ's Baby's first birthday, (about a month before). They'll air their photo and should send you a coupon for a DQ cake!
Coupon book fundraiser for schools
Let me know if you're school is selling these!

KidStuff Coupon Books is a leading school fundraiser with a mission to create a “WIN” for schools, families, businesses and communities! We are excited to be celebrating our 20th Anniversary and schools have raised over $50 million selling KidStuff

KidStuff Coupon Books is a leading school fundraiser with a mission to create a “WIN” for schools, families, businesses and communities! We are excited to be celebrating our 20th Anniversary and schools have raised over $50 million selling KidStuff
As you prepare your Thanksgiving meals, save those nettings, they are great for this recycled-bag-ball project/craft. My cub scouts loved this!
Kris Kringles Inventionasium in Cleveland's Tower City
Kringles-inventionasium is a fun twist on a visit to Santa. Located in Tower City in Cleveland, visitors are guided through toy creation areas by quirky elves before they get to talk to the big man himself.
Tower City has a Toy Solider holiday performance visitors can enjoy
Wigs for Kids
Would You Like a Free Haircut?
Would you be willing to donate your hair to the Wigs For Kids Organization? Wigs for Kids is a non-profit organization that makes wigs for children who have lost their hair due to medical
circumstances such as alopecia, chemotherapy, radiation, treatments etc.
The students in Rosalyn Gault’s Cosmetology program at the TCTC will cut your hair for free. Your hair must be at least 10 inches long to donate. Hair may not be
colored, chemically treated or more than 10% gray.
On December 11 between 11:15 and 2:00, the students will perform this service for volunteers to this very worthy cause. Please call Mrs. Rosalyn Gault at 330-847-0503 ext. 1060 to schedule an appointment
Sharon Small Business Saturday and Night of Lights

Sharon Night of Lights
Date: November 30, 2013 at 7:30pm
Admission: Fireworks are free; some events or activities may include a fee
Event Details:
The annual lighting of the Christmas tree, the arrival of Santa, and live music and dancing! Hot chocolate and candy will be provided. Events start at 6pm; fireworks end the evening. Downtown ShopAround starts at noon!

Ice Skating
The Ice Zone Indoor rink in Boardman
Mill Creek Park's Lilly Pond
skate outside weather permitting
Mill Creek Park Wick Rec area
volleyball court will be transformed for 2015/2016
Skate outside on Lake Julia weather permitting
Center Skate in Canton
Skate the pond in Chagrin Falls
Akron's lock 3
Wade Oval winter Cleveland
Kent State Arena
Strongsville OBM arena
Summit County Metroparks has 3 skating spots
Hess Ice Rink in PA
in Pittsburgh
Mill Creek Park's Lilly Pond
skate outside weather permitting
volleyball court will be transformed for 2015/2016
Skate outside on Lake Julia weather permitting
Center Skate in Canton
Skate the pond in Chagrin Falls
Akron's lock 3
Wade Oval winter Cleveland
Kent State Arena
Strongsville OBM arena
Summit County Metroparks has 3 skating spots
Hess Ice Rink in PA
in Pittsburgh
Class Act/School Heros/Creative Classrooms
Giant Eagle Class Act

Creative Classroom~ Caring for our Community
Do you know a teacher who really reaches out and makes a difference with students? Do you know a teacher who has an innovative way of teaching, or, who simply inspires students to learn?
21 WFMJ & Giant Eagle would like to know about the teacher in your school or community who is doing exemplary work in the field of education!
As part of an ongoing effort to promote education in our Valley, WFMJ Today will profile outstanding teachers in the weekly segment. Giant Eagle Class Act.
Students, parents or colleagues can nominate teachers by completing the nomination form provided on this page (The form is a PDF file and can be found on the left side of this page.). The nomination form has additional requirements.
If your nominee is selected, we will surprise them at school with their award. The Giant Class Act segment airs Wednesday mornings on WFMJ Today during the 6:00-7:00 a.m. hour.
Creative Classroom~ Caring for our Community
Newspaper Christmas tree
spotted this at the Austintown Dairy queen & thought it was a cute project to do with old newspapers.
Host a Scholastic Pajama Drive!
Scholastic Pajama Drive
collect pajamas and submit the online donation form by December 14, 2013. (You must REPORT the donation by this date. However, pajama delivery does not have to happen by this date.)
collect pajamas and submit the online donation form by December 14, 2013. (You must REPORT the donation by this date. However, pajama delivery does not have to happen by this date.)
Pioneer Trails Tree Farm
All cut trees are the same price no matter the variety or height.
Horse drawn rides on certain weekends
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