stores set up a mailbox, website offers a digital letter writing option
Mespotamia mail box
4370 Kinsman Rd, Mesopotamia, OH 44439
Mailbox downtown Warren
in front of the log cabin on Courthouse square
Boardman Park has hosted Santa phone calls, watch their website and facebook page for sign-up info
USPS's 2012 info about sending a good ol'fashoned letter to Santa (with a response from the big guy)
Letter to Santa template from

thanks Mary!
Christmas Dialer
phone call, video, letter
Easy Free Santa letter
Free letters from Santa
download template
Barbara Holiday Workshop
the PNP - Portable North Pole Website allows you to deliver a message from Santa to your child. FREE video, extra charge for additional items
Email offers lots of things (there's footage of a Reindeer on a roof, Rudolph Nose Cam footage). Not sure about costs or fees
The Santa Video set up a video $, discount codes & specials posted on their facebook page
North Pole Videos offers a free basic video greeting, fee for personalization $32
live video chat
Santa Claus house letters & deeds
Submit a letter to Santa online through
"free" postcard from Santa
Other Online Holiday fun
Jib Jab's Elf yourself insert your photo and create fun videos!
I spot Santa
video footage sightings of Santa around the world
Reindeer Cam watch the reindeer get fed, there's even an app!
NORAD tracks Santa follow Santa's path around the world. Website starts on 12/1 but the action takes place on Christmas eve
The Santa Video
catch Santa in your home
Local elves
Mrs. Claus
does storytimes at the Upton house, Eastwood Mall, etc
Jimmy Claus
officially trained, Cleveland area
Mr. Jingeling
This local character is the keeper of the keys, his facebook page lists area (mostly Cleveland) appearances.
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